Section notes for CS162 Section #4, February 19, 2002 Barbara Hohlt - A Semaphore is an integer value and a list of threads (or processes) that, apart from intialization, can be accessed only through two standard atomic operations. (definition in practice) - P() is an atomic operation that decrements the semaphore by 1 and waits for a semphore to become non-negative. 'Proberen' means to 'test' in Dutch. - V() is an atomic operation that increments the semaphore by 1, waking up a waiting process, if any. 'Verhogen' means 'increment' in Dutch. - Binary semphores (values are 1 or 0) can be used for mutual exclusion and have their initial values intialized to 1. - Counting semphores can be used for scheduling and have their initial values intialized to 0. semaphore { integer value; list L; // list of threads (or processes) } S; P(): S.value = S.value -1; if S.value < 0 add this thread to S.L; sleep(this thread ); V(): S.value = S.Value + 1; if S.value <= 0 remove thread T from S.L; wake(one thread); - A Lock provides mutual exclusion to the shared data. - Condition variables are a queue of threads waiting for something _inside_ a critical section. Rule: must hold lock when doing condition variable operations. Key idea with condition variables: make it possible to go to sleep inside the critical section, by _atomically_ releasing a lock at same time we go to sleep. - A Monitor is a lock and zero or more condition variables for managing concurrent access to shared data. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Producers and Consumers using Interrupts -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int numCokes = 0; LinkedList waitingConsumers; LinkedList waitingProducers; Producer() { interrupt.disable(); while (numCokes == MAXCOKES) { waitingProducers.add(myThread); myThread.sleep(); // interrupts still disabled } numCokes++; while (consumer = { consumer.ready(); } interrupt.enable(); } Consumer() { interrupt.disable(); while (numCokes == 0) { waitingConsumers.add(myThread); myThread.sleep(); } numCokes--; while (producer = { producer.ready(); } interrupt.enable(); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Producers and Consumers using Condition Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lock lock; Condition wantToAdd = new Condition(lock); Condition wantToTake = new Condition(lock); Producer() { lock.acquire(); while (numCokes == MAXCOKES) { // Like a semaphore.P() wantToAdd.sleep(); // Lock released! } numCokes++; // Lock reacquired! wantToTake.wakeAll(); // Like a semaphore.V() lock.release(); } Consumer() { lock.acquire(); while (numCokes == 0) { // Like a semaphore.P() wantToTake.sleep(); // Lock released! } numCokes--; // Lock reacquired wantToAdd.wakeAll(); // Like a semaphore.V() lock.release(); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - This is much nicer - Question: What if we changed 'wakeAll()' to 'wake()' in the above? - Answer: Would have to wait for another producer or consumer to come around before the next producer or consumer would wake up! - Note that we're really building "semaphores" when we do it this way! - So different synchronization primitives are more useful or convenient in different situations.