Hi! This is my TA page for CS162,
the operating systems course at UC Berkeley EECS. Please see the official
CS162 home page for complete details on the course. I will be using
this page to provide news, information, and links to the students in my
The final exam is on Thursday
May 23, from 12:30 to 2 in 1 Pimentel.
The deadline for making alternative exam arrangements
is Thursday noon, May 16. |
Project Group Palmpix here!
Design Document Instructions:Design
Document Information
The final-design doc is due 24 hours after your final-code submission.
Group evaluations are due 48 hours after your final-code submission.
Additional Requirement: The final-design doc should include your
test cases (not test code).
Name your document projN-design.ps (N is an integer).
Submission commands for preliminary design and final design (N is
an integer):
1. submit projN-design
2. submit projN-final-design |
Office Hours:
Thursday 10:00-11:00, 443 Soda Hall
10:00-11:00, 443 Soda Hall
by appointment
Section Times:
Section 102, 11:00-noon, 329 Leconte
Section 103, noon-1:00,
343 Leconte
Contact: Please direct most
questions regarding the course to the official newsgroup, ucb.class.cs162.
Lecture 1: The OS has two general functions: a) Coordinator and b)
Standard Services.
Lecture 2: OS techniques vary over time and adapt to changing tradeoffs.
Lecture 3: A thread is a single stream of execution through shared code
, shared data, and shared OS resources.
Lecture 4: TCBs represent active threads and are organized into queues
based on their state (ready, waiting, or running).
Lecture 5: A group of cooperating threads is a task, sometimes called a
"light-weight process".
Lecture 6: Low-level atomic operations are synchronization primitives provided
by the hardware.
Lecture 7: Locks, semaphores, and condition variables are high-level synchronization
primitives implemented in software.
Lecture 8: A Monitor is a lock and zero or more condition variables for
managing concurrent access to shared data.
Lecture 9: There are two approaches to the deadlock problem: a) detection
(preemptable) and b) avoidance (non-preemptable).
Lecture 10: Project Management Wisdom from Barbara. Make a plan. Carry
it out. And don't change horses in midstream.
Lecture 11: A good cpu scheduling policy is characterized by optimal
average response time, fairness, and low overhead.
Lecture 12: Address translation and dual mode operation is provided by
the hardware to support protection.
Lecture 13: Three kinds of address translation are: a) base and bounds,
b) segmentation, and c) paging.
Lecture 14: A TLB is a cache of virtual to physical address translations.
Lecture 15: Demand Paging uses main memory as a cache for disk and requires
page replacement policies.
Lecture 16: The overall time time to do disk I/O consists of three parts:
a) seek time, b) rotational delay, and c) transfer.
Lecture 17: Four types of file block layout are: a) contiguous allocation,
b) linked files, c) indexed files, and d) multilevel indexed files.
Lecture 18: Two approaches to authorization are access control lists and
capability lists.
Lecture 19: There are two basic types of networks: a) broadcast and b)
Lecture 20: A protocol is an agreement between two parties as to how information
is to be transmitted.
Lecture 21: A remote procedure consists of client stub code and server
stub code. Both use a technique called marshalling.
Lecture 22: NFS, Andrew, and WWW are examples of distributed file systems.
Lecture 23: The three components to Protection/Security are: a) authentication,
b) authorization, and c) enforcement.
These are notes I use in my sections.
They will often contain details not actually covered in section or lecture,
so they might be useful reading for you.
#1, 29 Jan 02
#2, 05 Feb 02
#3, 12 Feb 02
#4, 19 Feb 02
#5, 26 Feb 02
#6, 05 Mar 02
Section #7, 12 Mar 02 Midterm Review
#8, 19 Mar 02
#9, 02 Apr 02
#10, 09 Apr 02
#11, 16 Apr 02
#12, 23 Apr 02
#13, 30 Apr 02
Barbara Hohlt / hohltb@cs.berkeley.edu